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Showing posts from 2012

The Night Owl and The Brief Boys of Our Lives.

It's weird, most nights I figure I can't sleep because I'm stressed or depressed. And yet, tonight, although I do have some things weighing on my mind, I can't sleep because I am enthusiastic about myself, and generally happy with life despite everything. I know so many of my blog posts are either vague or superficial, and that's because I want to tell you all about me without giving too much away. Seriously, I know, this doesn't make any sense because a blog is meant to not even be shared, but rather... exposed . And so, that is how I will try to approach it from now on. In late September, I ended a two-year relationship. Like, REALLY ended it. Things were about a year past being frustrating, and though I tried very hard to remedy the feeling, I felt stuck. At a "dead-end" to be the most generic and unoriginal as possible. I told him to give me back my apartment keys and leave. And so he did, and never looked back. The only time I saw him after ...

This Month.

WHAT I WANT MY 25TH BIRTHDAY TO LOOK LIKE: One Dreamy McDreamerson and a birthday cake. PLUS  One party of irresponsible, British teenagers? Well, not quite. But you know what I mean. WHAT MY 25TH BIRTHDAY MIGHT *ACTUALLY* LOOK LIKE: Self-explanatory. PLUS POP AND CHIPS, YO! Love, T. xoxo

morning conundrum.

It hardly ever makes sense to set my alarm for 6:30. Though a logical time for me to wake, in order to shower, style my hair, do my makeup and go through the pain of choosing today's sad excuse for "business casual", I will most likely reset it for 6:45. Then 7:00. Then after that I'll lay in bed and listen to the news, if I'm lucky. Sometimes I have to go to the washroom, though, or the cat is begging to cuddle me to death behind my malfunctioning bedroom door. Much of the time, the reasons to stay in bed and close my eyes to the world often outweigh the reasons to roll out of the warmth and dreamy-ness. Go to work, check my phone neurotically, wonder endlessly about the direction my entire life will take. It helps, perhaps, to approach every day as the first of the rest of your life. -T


It's on nights like these, when there's no one left to talk to, that I take to my blog. Only, most of the time I don't publish, because what I want to say, I ultimately decide to keep to myself. Currently, I feel snuffed out. I think I'm either on the verge of breakdown or alternatively, revolution. It's certainly tense. Anyway, I'm back again, in the most unceremonius way possible. Based on a simple recommendation from a friend, I share with you a song from my top ten. Top ten with lyrics that is, since instrumental would require yet another list. Don't ask me to explain the vid. Just listen! -T.