Definition of SWEET
a (1) : pleasing to the taste
a : pleasing to the mind or feelings : agreeable, gratifying —often used as a generalized term of approval
b : marked by gentle good humor or kindliness
c : fragrant
d (1) : delicately pleasing to the ear or eye (2) : played in a straightforward melodic style
e : saccharine, cloying
f : very good or appealing
: much loved : dear
a : not sour, rancid, decaying, or stale : wholesome
b : not salt or salted : fresh
c : free from excessive acidity —used especially of soil
d : free from noxious gases and odors
e : free from excess of acid, sulfur, or corrosive salts
Sundays are my only days off as it is; I work a few times during the week, and when I'm not doing that, I'm on campus, learning things about Shakespeare most people will probably never know or even care to know about in their lifetime.
The main issue with my lack of blogging is that week days strike me as mundane, unin...
:: the life of your average, ordinary, everyday superstar;